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Slate Magazine



Yellowjackets Had Already Jumped the Shark. Then Came This Episode.

Slate Magazine
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64% Informative

The third season of Yellowjackets debuts last week .

It's been close to two years since the previous season of the series.

The episode's driving storyline takes place in the 1990s timeline, in which the beleaguered Coach Ben has taken Mari ( Alexa Barajas ) hostage in his cave.

Yellowjackets started off as a delightfully macabre riff on the mean-girls genre, a spooky, black-hearted comedy about the lingering wounds of high school trauma.

The wear, however, is starting to show. The writers can’t seem to find their footing.

"Them’s the Brakes" has hitched its wagon to the unraveling of its central mystery.

The show will live or die on how satisfyingly it's resolved.

Lost was structured to promise answers to even the smallest of questions.

We don't need to know what a show's master plan is, but it's crucial to feel that there is one.

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