Reason Magazine

Reason Magazine

US Politics

US Politics

The progressive betrayal of trans Americans

Reason Magazine
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Transgender Americans are trapped in a grim paradox: progressive champions may have introduced notions of "birthing persons" to corporate America , but they have done little to safeguard our fundamental right to bodily autonomy.

The 2024 legislative session saw more than 500 anti-LGBT bills introduced nationwide, with a significant portion targeting transgender individuals.

The society Christine Jorgensen transitioned in was one still reeling from the horrors of World War II .

Discrimination lawsuits can present a significant cost to businesses.

But businesses have responded by taking every step possible to guard against accusations of discrimination.

This rational response has created an unintended arms race, authors say.

Progressive activists' ability to push their most unpopular opinions into every area of American life that is regulated by civil rights law has failed to deliver us the kinds of protections that matter.

Executive Order 14187 restricts federal funding to medical institutions providing gender-affirming care to individuals under 19 .

Transgender women and girls banned from participating in female sports teams at schools that don't comply.

We must defend freedom on two fronts: First , the arms race for progressive workplace regulation has to end.

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