The New Statesman

The New Statesman



Can Kim Leadbeater justify her assisted dying bill?

The New Statesman
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Spen Valley MP Kim Leadbeater is sponsoring a private members' bill to legalise assisted dying.

If it passes into legislation later this year , terminally ill patients with six months or less to live will be legally permitted to end their own lives.

It could fundamentally change our attitude towards medicine and concepts of care.

MP for Batley and Spen in Yorkshire was murdered in June 2016 .

Her sister Jo Cox was shot and killed by far-right activist Thomas Mair .

Jo Cox's death has had a deep and lasting impact on her political views on assisted dying.

MP Joanna Leadbeater says she is in favour of assisted dying in principle but cannot back the bill in its current form.

Conservative MP Danny Kruger says assisted dying is 'wrong on a number of levels' If assisted dying passes, terminally ill patients in England and Wales will be able to access a service that legally allows them to end their own lives.

The bill has plenty of opponents, but MP Leadbeater is resolute in her belief in the bill.

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