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Slate Magazine



Dear Care and Feeding: How do I get my husband to stop peeing in the shower?

Slate Magazine
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61% Informative

A woman noticed a strong smell of urine in the bathroom whenever she would get into the shower right after her husband finished his shower.

She confronted him about it and asked if he’d noticed it or had any idea where it was coming from.

He nonchalantly replied that there was nothing to worry about— the smell was just from him urinating in the shower.

Your husband doesn't have to agree with your belief that in-shower urination is a disgusting habit.

If that doesn't work, your marriage needs help.

Your 7-year-old son broke down uncontrollably after being scolded for something he didn’t do.

His teacher brought it to our attention out of concern.

A sixth grader has been complaining about life at school.

She wants to change schools, but it likely won’t be any better at a different school, she says.

Your role is to make sure your child has safe places and ways to express his feelings.

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