The Intercept

The Intercept

CIA Leaker of Israel Intel Pleads Guilty Days Before Trump Takes Office

The Intercept
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Asif William Rahman pleaded guilty to two Espionage Act violations under a plea agreement that leaves sentencing up to U.S. District Judge Patricia Tolliver Giles .

The move to strike a plea deal will take decisions over Rahman ’s fate away from forthcoming Trump appointees, including the next federal prosecutor in the Eastern District of Virginia .

The leaks led the Israelis to delay an October strike on Iran that ultimately happened days later.

Democratic and Republican lawmakers are advancing sweeping measures to make life harder for immigrants.

The secretaries of defense and state will play key roles in U.S. policy on Israel , but they faced little scrutiny on Palestinian suffering.

There is no more status quo, no going back, and yet, after the ceasefire, so much will remain the same.

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