Slate Magazine

Slate Magazine

My Wife’s Tendency to Blow Things Out of Proportion Just Reached a Wild New Level

Slate Magazine
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A few weeks ago , our almost 6-year-old daughter, “ Casey ,” attended a birthday party for “ Miley ” who is the daughter of my boss.

Casey voiced her disappointment that she didn’t get a corner piece of cake.

When Shanna asked Casey if she’d had a nice time at the party, Shanna became incensed.

She pulled out her phone and declared she was going to “let that bitch have it”.

My daughter is of mixed race; her father is Black and Thai , while I am white.

My daughter favors her father in appearance, especially the Thai side, whereas I am blonde-haired and blue-eyed.

I often volunteer in my daughter’s classroom for holiday parties, and the response from the kids is something along the lines of shock and disbelief that I’m her mother.

Your daughter may feel she falls short for not being white, but in others, she may be thought of as an “exotic beauty” Affirm your daughter’s heritage and appearance, but avoid phrases like “beautifully different” It suggests that white people or non-mixed people are “normal,” while she is n’t .

If she says she covets your eyes or your hair, say you wish you looked more like her.

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