Slate Magazine

Slate Magazine

Care and Feeding: How do we navigate our daughter’s wedding without alienating her?

Slate Magazine
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58% Informative

Dear Care and Feeding : Daughter won't let father walk her down the aisle.

She won't wear an engagement ring because it's "ugly" and not "politically correct" There's no reception, just champagne and wedding cake in the basement of the church.

Your daughter and her fiancé are adults, they're paying for their wedding.

I don’t want to make my mom’s life harder— she is a lifelong non-confrontational people-pleaser.

She invited us all for an event, and I told her I would come alone.

She feels the same way in theory, but says her parents are old, won't change their minds.

It can be really fun to shop for someone who doesn't have their heart set on a particular item, right down to the color.

Not all gifts have to be things: show or concert tickets, movie tickets, a special weekend trip, etc.

Remember that a gift means: I love you; I thought about you.

I picked this out for you because I thought you might like it.

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