

Australians should be angry about another year of climate inaction. But don’t let your anger turn into despair | Greg Jericho

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Both major parties’ climate change policies are an amalgam of indolence and lies.

Not one politician in either major party is being honest with voters.

The Liberal party is happy because they can keep the deniers in their party quiet.

The ALP is happy too, because arguing about the evils and costs of nuclear means not having to talk about its own policies that encourage fossil fuel use.

2024 was the hottest year on record and it wasn’t even close: The past two years represent a major shift.

Climate change was the main driver of votes away from the Liberal party to the independents in 2022 .

And the ALP is not immune.

Remember every political party wants your first preference because it is worth $ 3.386 to them.

Make them earn it and if they don't, stay angry.

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