The New Statesman

The New Statesman

From Marcus Bull to Alva Gotby: new books reviewed in short

The New Statesman
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The Great Siege of Malta by Marcus Bull is a thorough and propulsive narrative of the siege.

The Grammar of the Angels by Edward Wilson-Lee is a challenging but rich book, at once a biography of a man and of thought.

The Shape of Things Unseen : A New Science of Imagination by Adam Zeman is another example of the power of the imagination.

Alva Gotby makes the case for doing away with framing the UK ’s housing crisis as a “crisis”.

In Feeling at Home, Gotby explores the idea that the housing system is a means of capitalist reproduction.

This is a calmly radical book, which draws on Gotby ’s experiences as an organiser for the London Renters Union .

It is a worthy handbook for those looking to transform the politics of housing’.

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