This is a news story, published by MSN, that relates primarily to AI news.
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Most growth stocksThe Motley Fool
Business & Economics
75% Informative
The advent of artificial intelligence ( AI ) has game-changing implications.
Recursion Pharmaceuticals (NASDAQ: RXRX) is leading the charge.
Roku delivers 37% of North America's connected-television advertisements, easily topping Apple 's 17% share.
The global streaming business is set to grow at a compound annual compound annual rate of nearly 21% over the coming 10 years .
Rocket Lab USA's Electron rockets have made 58 trips into space, successfully deploying 204 different satellites.
The company continues to develop its bigger Neutron rocket, which will be capable of starting journeys to Mars and Venus that require larger payloads.
Precedence Research believes the global space-launch service industry is poised to grow at an annualized pace of more than 13% between now and 2034 .
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