Washington Examiner

Washington Examiner

Trump’s leadership can revitalize America’s national security

Washington Examiner
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Donald Trump has the opportunity to shape the world in ways that favor American interests and drive toward greater stability, says Julian Zelizer .

Zelizer: The United States is facing a series of crises, generated in part by the Biden administration’s failure to deter U.S. adversaries.

Trump has four qualities as a leader and commander in chief that will position him to advance his vision, Zelizer says.

Trump ’s confidence, understanding of America ’s competitive advantages and limitations, decisiveness, and negotiating skills will be central to the ways that he addresses today ’s challenges. As America ’s new commander in chief, he has the ability to arrest the drift in U.S. foreign policy and chart a course for a better future. Nadia Schadlow is a senior fellow at the Hudson Institute and a co-chairwoman of the Hamilton Commission on Securing America’s National Security Innovation Base ..