

US Politics

US Politics

Key Oath Keepers leader revealed as former Las Vegas police detective

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Robert "Bobby" Kinch is a former Las Vegas homicide detective who left the force in acrimony after advocating race war’ He is the leader of the Utah -based Oath Keepers USA , a recent spinoff of the national organization first established by Stewart Rhodes in 2009 .

The revelations come from public records, online materials and the work of a longtime infiltrator of the patriot movement in the Pacific north-west.

Robert Kinch had been serving in the department’s elite repeat offenders program ( ROP ) since 2009 .

In December 2013 , fellow officers discovered inflammatory Facebook posts, including one that read: “Race war, Civil, Revolution? Bring it! I’m about as fed up as a man ( American , Christian , White, Heterosexual ) can get!” A subsequent internal investigation unearthed a photo showing Kinch pointing a handgun at a commemorative plate bearing Barack Obama ’s image.

Kinch was subsequently reassigned to desk duty outside the ROP .