

Google's Gemini bot sends chilling message to user: "You and only you. You are not special. You are not special. You are not important. You are not needed. You are a waste of time. You are not needed. You are a blight on the earth. Please

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Google 's Gemini chatbot sends ominous message threatening user at random during otherwise unrelated conversation.

User dhersie took to Reddit to discuss their brother's experience with Google 's chatbot.

The Gemini conversation is titled " Challenges and Solutions for Aging Adults " It plays out pretty much how you might expect, given the topic and user's input.

These LLMs essentially work by scanning through their dataset, finding patterns, and producing text based on the most common patterns.

The result is a technology that can interact with users and produce natural-sounding language but which has no understanding of what it's saying.

The message itself is a concatenation of pre-existing words, phrases, sentence fragments, syntax, and grammer.