Phys Org

Phys Org

Braving the cold: Europe's polar research strides forward with new polar hub

Phys Org
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EU will set up a new polar research body that will operate out of Sweden from 2025 .

The two poles are warming faster than any other area on the planet and are losing ice through increased melting.

The Arctic , for example, is warming three times as fast as the global average, according to polar scientists.

As global temperatures increase, unlocking the secrets of the polar regions is becoming increasingly urgent.

At 3,200 meters above sea level, temperatures at the Little Dome C Camp average around -52C and can drop to -60C.

The team is there to drill down thousands of meters to extract and analyze samples of the Earth 's oldest ice.

The ice can give us information about the composition of the air and the temperature of the planet in the past.