Phys Org

Phys Org

Benchmarking the Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility

Phys Org
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91% Informative

A study has re-benchmarked the main particle accelerator at the U.S. Department of Energy's Thomas Jefferson National Accelerator Facility .

The study was led by Geoffrey Krafft , a member of Jefferson Lab's Center for Advanced Studies of Accelerators .

The particle accelerator's purpose was to deliver beams of energetic electrons for nuclear physics experiments.

CEBAF is the research home for more than 1,650 nuclear physicists worldwide.

In 2004 , DOE recognized that there was a "mission need" for an upgrade to the machine.

The $338 million 12 GeV upgrade project was completed in the fall of 2017 .

Now, more than two decades after the first landmark paper was published, it has been replaced with a reference article.