The Nation

The Nation

In his timidity and determination to be 'apolitical,' the attorney general has failed to do what he was appointed to do—pursue justice and accountability

The Nation
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65% Informative

Merrick Garland has failed to do the very thing he was appointed to do—pursue justice and accountability.

He has a judicial temperament, not a prosecutorial one, writes Julian Zelizer .

Zelizer: It would be better for everybody if Garland announced his intention to retire after his term, just as soon as he can be bothered to crawl out from under his desk long enough to ask him to account for his decisions.

David Gergen : Garland is desperate to appear “apolitical” that he makes disgustingly political decisions every time it looks like Fox News might become angry with him.

He says he didn't even have the decency to “both sides” the problem and start an investigation into Jared Kushner or Ivanka Trump .

Gergen says he's proof that once a person decides to live on their knees, they get used to it.

David Rothkopf : Garland was more concerned with “not appearing political” than “doing the right thing.

He found a Republican special prosecutor, a literal Trump appointee, to do the work.

The report is a gross smear job that never should have seen the light of day, but Garland saw it and released it.

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Offensive language

likely offensive

Hate speech

not hateful

Attention-grabbing headline

not detected

Known propaganda techniques




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