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iconic Forrest GumpMashable
•75% Informative
Robert Zemeckis' latest offering, Here, has a lot in common with Forrest Gump .
It reunites Tom Hanks and Robin Wright , who once more play a couple of young lovers, finding themselves in the 1950s and 1960s .
Here is also a heartfelt drama spanning time, although instead of mere decades , it takes place across centuries, even millennia.
Here is a deeply wistful film, always fretting about how fast time goes by, and yet its own screen time feels like a crawl.
The main storyline about this 20th-century family is belabored by cliche, making its every reveal feel inevitable.
Some scenes are undeniably enchanting, including every bit of romance while designing a reclining chair.
Here was reviewed out of its World Premiere at AFI Fest .
The movie will open in theaters Nov. 1 .
Even with the movie's rough edges, his passion and sentimentality is as clear as ever.
In many ways, Here is an experiment in framing and concept that fails, but I'm in awe that Zemeckis did it.
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