Condé Nast

Condé Nast

Jenny Slate on the Other Side of Postpartum Depression, and Letting Go of Shame

Condé Nast
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67% Informative

Jenny Slate's new essay collection, Lifeform (Little, Brown) blends magic with incisive reflections on love, family, and legacy.

Slate has a flair for the fantastical and is deeply attuned to the ecosystems of relationships.

She talks about finding love, parenting, and aging in the entertainment industry.

There are dead ends. There are repetitive, terrible chants that come up in a person, like bad mantras. It’s so important to be able to repurpose the way that emotions are defined.

I wanted to show that, for example, post-partum depression is still very characteristic of me.

My postpartum depression arrives at the exact time that normal depression used to arrive in my late 20s , early 30s .

Pregnancy is certainly all about the science of the body, but that can feel like a fantastical account of what happens.

When I use metaphor, I try to be responsible, descriptive and as honest as I can be in terms of what my experience feels like.