Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette

'We are in overdrive': Black sorority members mobilize for sister Kamala Harris

Pittsburgh Post-Gazette
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82% Informative

For the first time, the Democratic nominee is a fellow sorority sister.

That has birthed an army of volunteers that no other presidential candidate has ever had.

The four historically Black sororities comprise what is known as the Divine 9, which count more than 2.5 million African Americans .

The Divine 9 sororities and fraternities are lining up behind Ms. Harris ' candidacy.

Some of her sorority sisters have helped organize “Bison Freedom Rides” to make sure residents register to vote.

“To see our line sister ascend to the highest office in the land is an acknowledgment of our dreams and our parents’ dreams,” Ms. Kelch said.

The boulés allow sorority members to gather together, catch up with each other, discuss all they’ve accomplished so far and plan for their next community service projects.

Ms. Harris ’ visit to the Zeta boulé came right after President Joe Biden had announced that he would not seek re-election.