Jill Stein Praises Ranked Voting
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presidential candidate Jill SteinMaine Morning Star
•Green Party candidate Jill Stein praises Maine voting system as means to oppose genocide • Maine Morning Star
75% Informative
Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein spoke at a panel discussion at the University of Southern Maine in Portland on Monday .
Stein said a vote for either of the major party candidates as a vote against genocide is a vote to stop genocide.
Maine voters will be using ranked-choice voting up and down the ballot this November to rank their preferred candidates for office.
Green Party candidate Stein vows to end the war in Gaza on day one .
Stein said she would take the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation to court for violating the Foreign Agents Registration Act .
Maine 's elected officials marked the anniversary of Hamas ’ attack on Israel with a range of statements.
Sen. Susan Collins of Maine called for the U.S. to continue to support Israel .
Sen. Angus King of Maine , an independent, did not release a statement on the Oct. 7 anniversary.
Instead, he focused on remembrance and hope for the return of remaining hostages.
Golden ’s challenger, Theriault , called for the U.S. to stand by Israel in a social media post on Monday .
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