

The daily Diet Coke habit is extremely popular. But is it healthy?

Nutrition label

62% Informative

Diet Coke is undoubtedly beloved — of the more than $285 billion U.S. soft drink market, it’s the fourth most popular soda in the United States .

Aspartame, a sugar substitute, is what makes Diet Coke taste sweet.

The WHO classified aspartame as “possibly carcinogenic” to humans — but the results “do not indicate that occasional consumption should pose a risk to most consumers”.

Dietitian Michelle Routhenstein says some people use Diet Coke as “a pick-me-up during the day’s day ” Some research shows that drinking lots of diet soda, or consuming lots of artificial sweeteners, could actually increase your overall calorie intake.

If you are drinking an entire sleeve of Diet Coke daily , you should cut back.